Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Self Serve Manny

Mr. Fatty MacBanjostrings decided that we don't feed him enough so he decided on Sunday night that he would just help himself. The scary part is that there were no teeth marks on the bag, which means he made a near perfect L-shaped slice with his claws.

We now are keeping his food in a plastic container. It would not surprise me to find out that he has grown an extra thumb in order to open that as well.

To compensate, our little menace decided to help with some DIY by inspecting the ceiling .......

...and then help us create a 'distressed' look to the banister. Notice his expert sanding method.

We have been putting a lot of auctions on eBay on our continuing mission to downsize our many collections of nerd items. If you have any interests in Sci Fi, music , or entertainment, please let us know because we may have the magazine just for you! It will save us on the 15 pence per listing.

We had an eventful holiday weekend. On Saturday we went to a restaurant in Glasgow called the Mussel Inn. We actually had scallops, but they were wonderful. We also got to see our pals K & J who we do not get to see very often.

Sunday we went to the Edinburgh comedy festival and saw a Mr. Toby do a routine about Doctor Who. It was very funny and in a super cool place that was very much like a cave.

On Monday we had a picnic supper at Muirshiel (as pictured above), which is a park about 20 minutes from here. The midges in the area decided that WE were the picnic, so we ended up eating our supper in the car. However, the view and the drive were lovely all the same.

That is all for now!

Next Issue: Still waiting for suggestions!!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Flying Monkey

As most of you know, we added to our family a new kitty this year named Louis. We decided for many reasons that this would be his doctor and insurance name only. After getting suggestions for names (and they were all awesome), we settled on T.W. Mangrove, or Manny for short.

Like all of my cats, he will have about a dozen names as he develops his character over the passing years. So far he has gained the names of Menace, Mister!, My Little Mann, Banjo Strings (a comment on his whiskers) and now .....Monkey.

Please see below pictures for an explanation of WHY he is called Monkey.

We are not sure what is up there that he is trying to catch.

A sane person would just use the stairs.

Nope...nothing up here either.

We have not taken a clear picture of this, but he will stay there until we acknowledge that we see him, then he gets down. He normally looks at us and mews until we say something. Very much like a little kid doing a 'look at me' on the playground.

Losing his change purse was supposed to calm him far, that just is not true.

Oh, and you can make these pics bigger by clicking on them if you want.

NEXT ISSUE: TBA....we are taking suggestions...what do you want to see???? and don't say pictures of us because we don't show up on film.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

More Purty Pics of Inveraray

Please click on any of the below pictures to make them larger!

This is the front of the Castle. People actually still live here for at least part of the year. One does have to have a summer home, doesn't one?

This is the entrance to the tourist part of the castle.

This is the left side view.

This is a partial right side view.

This is a right side view including the side entrance.

...and waiting right inside the entrance is.....

The Spanish Inquisition!!!!!!!

Bet you didn't expect that???????

The Spanish Inquisition was not there handing out comfy chairs. However, there was a very large group of Italian tourists

NEXT ISSUE: Monkey!!!!!