Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Campbeltown and my Novel

We recently went on a weekend break to Campbeltown. We decided to drive there rather than take any ferries across. It is on a peninsula, so one has to drive North, West, and then South again to get there.

This was the view from our bedroom window.

We stopped at the beach, which was lovely. There was a small trickle of a freshwater stream that ran all the way down the beach into the ocean. We tried to take pics of the surfers there, but they did not come out clearly.

Here is a picture of Andy 'fixing' a chessboard. He can't stand to see chess pieces that are not in the proper order on a board. Isn't he cute (and obsessive)?

I am writing a novel.....in a month. November is novel writing month and I am one of thousands of mad people that are trying to write a novel by the end of the November. It is more of a Novella (as it only has to be 50,000 words), but Novel is so much more impressive, don't you think? Considering I will be gone for nearly 3 weeks of the month, I probably won't make it, but I shall try. If you want to take a try at it, the link is http://www.nanowrimo.org/. It can be total rubbish if you like, the point is to try to encourage writing at all age levels.

I have started to post mini-movies on youtube, not because it is trendy, but because I want to! I actually did not create the two I have posted, but I am in the process of creating one and learning how to use movie maker programs, etc. Well, it keeps the mind busy anyhow.

Just go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xk50cjqzKE and watch one of my postings. If you then click on my name, my other postings will come up, along with my selection of favorites. Just remember, Kimberly has a silly and light side to her. Please take time to watch the Hasselhoff video and decide for yourself if he means to be funny or not.

NEXT ISSUE: TBA as we are going on a long trip! I still have driving instruction photos that I have yet to post and comment on!