Long Overdue Dunoon Photos
Here are some scenes from when we visited Dunoon earlier in the month for Andy's Birthday. Please click on any pictures that you wish to enlarge..
This is a tall ship that was in the harbour and on its way to go up the Clyde River.
This is Toward Castle near Dunoon. There is also a Castle Toward in the area, but it is in ruin and you can't really get to it. I guess that is a good thing as it would confuse the tourists.
Silly You Tube spot of the week. Don't watch it if you are offended by wizard juice.
Are we headed toward Toward Castle or toward Castle Toward? Not confusing at all!
Is there an Castle Untoward? Hmmm, maybe after a few Guinesses it might become "Untoward".
Oh yesssss....and if you haven't seen the Simpson's movie...all I can say is "WOO HOO!!!"
Oh, and I noticed a strong similarity between Castle Untoward and the Tower of London. (Well, the building inside, I forget the name right now...the one with the soldier's museum or what-have-you inside.
I wonder if they had their own version of Sir Walter Raleigh imprisoned there.....hmmmm
Oh, Sir Walter...Really! Oh, he he...Nursey, I made a funny. ---sorry...recently got the box set of black adder...
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