Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Spring Comes in a Roaring Thunder

Yes, spring does come to us in Johnstone in a roaring thunder, at least that is what it sounds like on a Sunday morning.

On Sunday we are sleeping in (not that I need a Sunday to do that) and in the midst of a dream I hear a too-familiar 'tap tap tap tap'. Though still asleep, I know that in a moment I will hear the thunderous sound of several drums lines from the fools that are marching down my street. They love to tap their way through town and then just as they reach our windows, BAM, time to strike up the band! Of course, we look out the window and a spontaneous and unannounced parade seems to be going down the street.

Now normally there is a marching band. However, this time it was a bit different. I look out the window and the band is on an open flatbed truck playing away. Due to being a total dork with the digital camera, I did not manage to get a shot of them before they were off down the road. So, now we joke about the infamous 'rolling band' and wonder when they will return. Though there was also a line of marching drums so I guess this gig was more of a combination.

It is a good thing I saw the rolling band first and not this large and scary clown...EEK!

I can't decide if these horses were dressed for the event, or just still had their slave hoods on from the night before.

I do appreciate a parade once in a while, just not every weekend and I know that will be the case quite soon.

'NO SIR, I didn't like it!!'

Next Issue: Why does no one want to give me a cat?


At 12:47 AM, Blogger David Moadel said...

That clown is awesome

The drums are cool too

At 2:06 AM, Blogger Linda said...

Just out of curiosity, of what is the parade in celebration?

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Kimie said...

L, that is just it, I don't know! No banners exactly and not sure what last weekend was supposed to be. though, I don't know if they need a celebration most of the time. Some parts of the year, it is every weekend for a parade, fair, or march. These definitely were not the orange guys as they have banners and of course, orange outfits.

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Groundskeeper Karlie said...

Ahh, one of the famous marches in the UK. Probably a march in memory of some wartime anniversary...or something like Guy Fawkes Day...or god forbid, Margaret Thatcher Day...

Either that or they're so used to pomp and circumstance that they just get antsy and have to give in to their marching jones and get their fix...

Although honestly I have to say all clowns are way too creepy...evil in some way even.

Just so long as it wasn't Pennywise the clown...or Tim Curry for that matter either...


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